Grammatical Evolution in Groovy

Grammatical evolution (GE) is a famous evolutionary computing algorithm proposed by Conor Ryan et al. In its original form, it uses a genetic algorithm at the back end to evolve genotype of a solution. On the front end, there is a mapper and production rules from a context-free grammar that form the phenotype of a possible solution. Originally it was written in C++. Its library could be downloaded. Recently I came to know that it has a port in Java as well, developed by Michael O’Neil. Its known as GEVA.

The idea I have is to port this to GroovyLab. Groovy is a java-like scripting language. Moreover, all valid java code is also valid groovy code. Add to this the fact, that despite being a scripting language, and requiring an interpreter, Groovy code can also be pre-compiled and run on JRE.

Once GEVA is ported to GroovyLab, the resulting package can be run on Octave or Matlab. It is not necessary, however, to port the code to GroovyLab. GEVA can be wrapped into Groovy and pre-compiled. The code can then be called in Octave or Matlab. Having GE available in Matlab would mean that it would be easier to use it for research.

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Grammatical evolution | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

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UCD NCRA – Software – GEVA

GEVA is no longer maintained. We keep the page below for archival reasons. PonyGE is the implementation of choice in our group. GEVA is an implementation of Grammatical Evolution in Java developed at UCD’s Natural Computing Research & Applications group. As well as providing the characteristic genotype-phenotype mapper of GE a search algorithm engine, and GUI are also provided.


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Photo by steve p2008

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Grammatical Evolution in Groovy by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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