If you have never heard of Slack, it is quite normal. However, if you have heard about it and used it and you did not
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An Idea Log
If you have never heard of Slack, it is quite normal. However, if you have heard about it and used it and you did not
Read moreI already wrote a couple of posts about simulated drones some time back. I also wrote a research proposal in which I have cited plenty
Read moreI wrote about the simulated drone flying championship (or competition) some time ago. I wrote that why the simulated drone flying championship could be useful
Read moreI have had a longstanding desire to work as an optimization engineer. More particularly I have been mesmerized by the power of evolutionary algorithms to
Read moreWe have a saying in Pakistan that a white man thinks a hundred years ahead of time. An Indian (i.e. a subcontinental Indian, not to
Read moreIdeas crawl into minds like snails and fly away like pigeons. It is harder to conceive them and easier to forget them. It is even
Read moreAnother discipline I have been thinking about for quite some time is about water distribution networks. I think that paying attention to water distribution is
Read moreGrammatical optimization is based on an idea to provide production rules of a user-specified context-free grammar (in Backus-Naur form) to a genetic algorithm. The genetic
Read moreUsing genetic programming to find solutions to real-world problems is one thing, implementing a framework for automatic programming is totally another. Java beagle is a
Read moreLong time ago I was quite inspired by the power of evolutionary algorithms as problem solvers. I still am. But it is about that time
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