I have been reading Stratfor for around 15 year. I began reading Stratfor after September 11, 2001. Stratfor has been extremely cogent throughout. I mentioned
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An Idea Log
I have been reading Stratfor for around 15 year. I began reading Stratfor after September 11, 2001. Stratfor has been extremely cogent throughout. I mentioned
Read moreLegend has it that once upon a time a few Mongolian soldiers approached a sultan in central Asia. They wanted to complain to him about
Read moreMy little nephew is in China nowadays. He was asked to write a short essay about his vision of an ideal Pakistan. Here is what
Read moreSam Harris has vowed to publish a book on the self sometime next year. The idea is to show is that self, or a sense
Read moreThinking too much has its own benefits and drawbacks like any other thing. Long time ago I used to have really excessive thinking habits. I
Read moreIn response to Reflections on Free Will, by Daniel C. Danett, Sam Haris wrote The Marionette’s Lament. In this Sam refutes with the criticism of
Read moreI managed to read the “Reflections on Free Will” by Daniel C. Dannett twice. This is a review of the book of Sam Harris named
Read moreAlmost for the past one month I have been thinking about writing about willpower. The idea may sound trivial to the casual reader. However, it
Read moreYour perception of your “self” can play a great role in how well or poorly you do in various endeavors you undertake in your life.
Read moreI recently patched up a small research proposal titled Understanding Human Consciousness. It is a five pages long draft in pdf format. I think it
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