The following sermon posted on Ubqari is worth listening to. The sermon was delivered by hakeem Tariq Mehmood Chughtai. He has permission in all the spiritual orders.
Dress has a very profound effect on the thoughts and emotions of humans. Dress is related to modesty. And listen, when modesty is there, the dress expands. And when modesty goes, dress diminishes. But the reality is that it is becoming a source of loss in the society and homes. And all the things that I have said to you are because I want to help in reverting the peace and serenity of your houses and families. Rather I want it to be reverted in to every family. Not only in our country but also in other countries and societies, among Hindus, Sikhs, and everyone. They are all the ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah‘s peace and blessings be upon him). We are obliged to have sympathy for them. And we are not obliged to hate them. Remember this! Who ever holds hatred of non-Muslims in their hearts, should scratch it off. Develop an emotion of their well being in your hearts. I often say one thing, that Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah‘s peace and blessings be upon him) has even prayed for the well being of a denier of religion, a denier of faith, a denier of Islam, who holds enmity of Muslims in his heart, and a personal enemy. Dress has a great deal to do with the personal well being of people. You will be astonished to see the nuns of the church near us, the women who work in the church. Observe their dress. They wear scarfs. They wear big gowns. Their dress indeed has modesty in it. This astonishes me. The dress of every religion is wonderful and best, remember this. Irrespective of whether if it is the religion of Jews, or the religion of a Christian, or the religion of a Hindu, or the religion of a Sikh, or if it is the religion of Islam. Every religion has a dress code and it is exemplary. Why? It has a sense of security in it.
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15th Ramadhan 2013
We have to take everyone together. One thing should become deeply ingrained in to a person’s personality. That I will not move alone. I will take every person of the Ummah along with me. Jew is mine, Christian is mine, Hindu is mine, Sikh is mine. Attract everyone with love. There should be an attitude of sympathy and wellwishing about non-Muslims. Hatred should be abandoned.
A Prayer
O Allah! Give faith to all the Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs. O Allah! Save all of them from the fire of hell.
A Prayer
O Allah! Give faith to the Jews. Allah! Give faith to the Christians. Allah! Give faith to the Sikhs. Allah! Five faith to the Hindus. O Allah! Give us faith too. O Allah! Do not let us die without faith. Allah! Give us a faithful death.
A Prayer
O Allah! Give faith to the whole ummah. O Allah! Bestow your blessings on the whole humanity. O Allah! Bestow your blessings on all the human beings. Allah! Shower your blessings on all the non-Muslims. Allah! Enlighten their hearts with faith. Allah! Enlighten our hearts with sincerity. Allah! Give pure faith to the non-Muslims. Allah! Give us with with practice. Allah! Make everyone a practical Muslim. Allah! Our biggest need is you. Allah! Give us the love of hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace be upon him).
A Prayer
This prayer is very interesting because in this prayer Hakeem Tariq Mehmood Chughtai and the whole congregation is literally crying while praying for the non-Muslims.
Allah! Give faith to the Christians. Allah! Give faith to the jews. Allah! Give faith to the Sikhs. Allah! Give faith to the Hindus. O Allah! Save them from the fire of hell. O Allah! Remove hatred from our hearts regarding non-Muslims. O Allah! Bestow upon us emotions of their goodwill.
Learning From Other Societies
Some people wear the apparent dress of the angrez, but do not become and show to be angrez (i.e. do not exhibit the qualities they have). Where there are bad things in them (white people, angrez, gora etc.), they also have many qualities. You have adopted their bad qualities, but you never tried to acquire their qualities. A person said that he visited Europe. He went to a shop to buy something. He asked if this thing is genuine or not. The shopkeeper said that we do not have the concept of dubious or counterfeit goods here. Everything is authentic. He said that those people say that if we cheated in our trade then in the whole world our trade will suffer. Then he said that in case they have to sacrifice their personal benefit, they keep the national interest at a higher priority. They do not let the national interest suffer at the cost of their personal benefit. We can try to mimic them by wearing dresses like them, but the real thing is to have our inner selves like them. In that society there are so many such things that are forbidden according to Islam, but they have adopted so many such good things that we have abandoned. And so many such elegant trades of faith and Islam, whether they are about trade, business, about mutual exchange principles, and many spheres of life. Look, if we start looking at the flaws of a person, then we will not have time. I often say one thing to you. We should become like a honey bee. If some filth is lying close to a honey bee, she will not look at it. She will fly away to a far flung place where it will find fragrance and flowers. Similarly, a dirty fly will never sit on the flowers no matter how many or how close they are to her. She will fly far away to find filth and degradation and feed on it. A faithful believer is synonymous with a honey bee. It will go far away and look at the qualities of someone, irrespective of whether he/she is a Muslim or a non-Muslim. You have to gather qualities from everywhere. Ignore their faults. So much so if someone has a fault, do not raise any objection towards him/her. Do not say anything bad. Take their qualities. Adopt the qualities of the angrez. Is he a malingerer? Look the job for which you got paid, one is that you do not devote your time honestly to it. Leave today’s work to be done tomorrow. And what was prescribed for me to do, if I am not doing that, then I am being dishonest. Is the gora a malingerer? Does the gora do all the work that he is paid for? List the qualities that are present in that society. The other day a person came to me. He has been living in the UK for 22-23 years. He had some time, I asked, “Tell me a few qualities of the gora.” He started looking at me astonishingly. He said that I am the first person who is asking their qualities. I said that I am asking because I have seen huge queues of people in front of their embassies. And the ones who acquire visas I have also heard them badmouthing the white people. Everyone wishes to get a visa for UK, America or states, or of Unaan (Greece) or Europe. Either through Iran or someone other way, they somehow wish to reach there. And then the badmouth them. I asked tell me some qualities. He started telling me their qualities. Then I asked that now tell me the truth that all of these qualities that they have are of Islam or of the gora? He said they are Islamic. If that is truthfulness, that is of Islam. If that is honesty that is of Islam. If that is trustworthiness, that is of Islam. All of the things are those of Islam. We have not taken from them those things of Islam. We have acquired a couple of things about dress and a couple of things about looks and we have abandoned the rest. We did not take them. That is our heritage. Wisdom is the lost heritage of the believer. This is wisdom. This is our lost heritage. The one our forefathers had left behind for us. We have to reclaim it.
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