Think Twice Before You Take A Leap

I have been thinking about shifting the whole of this blog to this new Word Press powered hosting and website management and creation service called Wealthy Affiliate. But may be one should think again before doing all the dirty work of creating the website and actually exporting all of it from here to there. What are the tradeoffs? The bottom line of word press is that it also only allows you to create a blog. It is another thing that one can arrange the things to look more like a dedicated niche specific website. Blogger does not allow to have that sort of a look and feel. It has a blog-like look after all. And I imagine that even if we tried hard to convert our blog to a website through blogger, it is still going to look like a blog. But what is a blog after all? It is a website. Right? Right!
But there are other better things that are better about using blogger. One thing is that you don’t have to wait for nasty approvals. Another is that you do not have to go to the HTML source code time and again to switch the text alignment from left aligned to justified. This is something that has to be done by hand in word press. But I am sure that there must be an easy cure for this. It is just tedious somehow. Media management is also not quite cool with word press. It just does not have the kind of look and feel blogger has. Dynamic views in blogger make the whole thing appear much nicer. It is just that it is a bit difficult to get rid of its blog-like appearance.  
What are the other benefits? The bottom line I guess is that if you really want to have a website then it is better to switch to Word Press. Moreover, the guys working with Wealthy Affiliate promise that they will help in guiding a great website that is going to churn out profits in a short while. Indeed, they have helped to a great deal. I wonder what is next in their jukebox. I hope it would be cool though. 

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Think Twice Before You Take A Leap by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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