Effective rules for an excellent life is a very elegant book written by Hakeem Tariq Mehmood Ubqari Majzoobi Chughtai. Hakeem Tariq is the founder of Ubqari Trust. The book is about personal development and self help. It is a very nice resource for anyone who is looking for emotional well being and valuable tips for improving various spheres of life. It is quite worthwhile to present a short summary of the book.
The first thing is that this book is written from an increasingly Islamic point of view. It mentioned quite frequently that it is important for any human being to have firm faith in the existence of God and to submit to His divine will. Various examples are given from the life of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). People are generally advised top live their lives according to the tenets of Islam and by following the example of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him).
However, the author does not shy away from quoting events from the lives of other noteworthy and influential people. These include Buddha, Saint Paul and the work of Dale Carnegie, to name but a few. The book has a huge set of sections and chapters.
One of the first sections of the book discusses the power of the human mind. Various aspects of our conscious minds and sub-conscious minds are discussed. The author then goes on to suggest ways to develop a magnetic personality. Emphasis is paid on time management and energy saving.
One of the sections is dedicated to analyzing the consequences of bad habits in the light of teachings of Islam and modern science. The author then goes on to advocate that human beings should strive to develop piety and sobriety in their personalities. The author also discusses various familial customs in the light of Islam. The benefits of positive thinking are discussed. It is advised to develop a habit of positive thinking and enjoying life. Mental health and depression are also discussed in a great detail.
The author then moves on to work related aspects of life. it is advised to fully absorb in one’s work and change working style if necessary. It is advised to adopt healthy and interesting hobbies. The author also emphases quite a lot on health and to develop a positive attitude towards life. Aspects such as analytic skills, risk taking tendencies, dedication and aims are discussed and valuable advice is given on as to how to adjust and channelize them in the right direction. The author also discusses about the importance of family planning in life.
The author also discusses issues such as inferiority complex and lack of self confidence and advises cures for them. The authors suggests ways to deal with stress and to adjust one’s cor beliefs and ideologies. One of the great things the author suggests is that a person should stop doing a postmortem of the past in order to get rid of it. Just move on, is the advice!
The author also suggests a scheme for performing self hypnosis. Schemes for self analysis are also discussed. The author also suggests ways for adapting better colloquial skills. To this end, the examples of Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). The author also discusses psychological effects of lying. Rights of the humanity towards a human being are also discussed.
This is a remarkable book. Anyone who would read it would not regret the investment. It is specially suitable for the curious mind.