Texsana Rens Og Vask

A close friend of mine, Muhammad Naveed Aslam, has a laundry in Denmark. A few months ago I told him about my rather new interest in writing and Internet marketing. I also told him that I wanted to create a website for him. I was particularly fond of writing good content for his website.  After some effort I created a website for his laundry in WordPress. The laundry is called Texsana Rens og Vask. It is located in Taastrup, Denmark. Actually it is just opposite the Taastrup S-tog station. It has a beautiful location and is very nice indeed. We also created a facebook fan page for the laundry as well. 

My friend offers a number of services at his laundry that are related to cleaning of clothes. He is also planning on creating a section on Genbrug where he would buy and sell used clothes. That would be really nice indeed.
The really good thing about my friend is that he is extremely generous. The other day an old nice Danish lady came to the laundry. She had to take her clothes. Somehow she did not have enough money with her to pay the dues. She complained that she could not pay since she was on a pension. Naveed gave her a huge concession seeing her condition. She was quite impressed and happy. It was quite nice to see her leaving happily.

Anyhow, it was fun to create and write content for his website. If you like the website, its outlook, its content and also its facebook fan page, please do not forget to click on the like button.

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Texsana Rens Og Vask by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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