UAV Playground in Matlab

UAV Playground is a simulator for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) written in Java. It works best when run on top of Flight Gear and Google Earth. The advantage of having it in Java is efficiency. A disadvantage is that it is not quite convenient to use and adapt it for various scenarios. Your goals in this project are as follows:

  1. Your goal is to write a front-end for UAV playground in Matlab. Read this tutorial about how to bring java classes and objects into Matlab.
  2. It should be fairly easy for the user to invoke various functions of UAV playground from Matlab.
  3. Your implementation should also present a graphical user interface to the user to invoke various functions of UAV playground from within Matlab.
  4. Your implementation should adequately leverage from the parallel processing features of Matlab for cloud computing. To this end, your implementation should be compliant with the Matlab’s standards for cloud computing and parallel processing and should scale accordingly when deployed and run on a cloud.
  5. Your implementation should install all the dependencies as required by the implementation and download them and install them automatically if required. These dependencies are Google Earth and Flight Gear.
  6. You shall follow appropriate software engineering practices, and go through all the phases of software design before embarking on the final implementation.
  7. However, since these dependencies are optional, the software should also give the user the option to download and install them, as opposed to forcefully installing them every time.
  8. You will properly benchmark the project and compare it with the java version of the UAV Playground.


  1. You shall put all the code of this project online as open-source software, possibly on GIT or SourceForge.
  2. You shall write appropriate documentation for this software.
  3. You shall write a user’s manual for this software.

Photo by onnola

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 UAV Playground in Matlab by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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