Recently we had an article about GELAB published in IEEE Access. This talks about all the fancy features of the toolbox as well as presents some results. This is quite a bit of a breakthrough for us as it will allow us to take the feat of artificial intelligence to a whole new level. We were a bunch of co-authors on this and each one of us put in a lot of effort for the completion of this article. It is a masterpiece and you will enjoy reading every bit of it. If you have any queries or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We shall be more than happy to assist you in any possible way we can.
GELAB – The Cutting Edge of Grammatical Evolution
The advent of cloud-based super-computing platforms has given rise to a Data Science (DS) boom. Many types of technological problems that were once considered prohibitively expensive to tackle are now candidates for exploration. Machine Learning (ML) tools that were valued only in academic environments are quickly being embraced by industrial giants and tiny startups alike.
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The Cutting Edge of Grammatical Evolution by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.