Street Articles

A few days ago I signed up with Street Articles. The website is owned by Kyle and Carson. These are the same guys who own The Wealthy Affiliate. But on Street Articles their main idea is to train people to become better writers. To this end, their effort is very good. When I first visited the website of Street Articles, it sounded strange to me, albeit in a pleasant way. It reminded me of street fighter, a video game we used to play when we were kids. But I suppose they have also taken inspiration for the name of the website from the same game. While in the video game people learn to become fighters, on this website people learn to become writers. And all of this is accomplished while maintaining a sense of an informality. So the idea is really cool. You sit in a street with your laptop and you scribble articles. 

The present you get as you sign up on Street Articles is the 30 in 30 challenge. This means that as soon as you become a member of street writing club, Kyle and Carson throw a challenge at you of writing thirty articles in thirty days. This is quite interesting and difficult at the same time. It is interesting because of the various aspects of the overall writing experience that is expected to be had. You have to choose a niche that you like. Then you have to think about it. And then you have to write about it. There are things that have to be kept in mind about the structure of the article. You are expected to hone your skills by the passage of time. 
I was quite busy in trying to meet those deadlines along with doing some other things too of course. This explains my absence from here for quite a few days too. In any case, it may be a good idea for you to visit Street Articles. You may as well end up liking it after a while. The niche I have chosen to write about is home based business. I believe that this is probably the most important niche specially given the overall economic conditions of the world. I have already written a few articles. And I have to constantly think about more ideas to write about.

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Street Articles by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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