Mason in Matlab

This project is about porting a simulator to Matlab. The name of the simulator is Mason. It is written in Java already. It is a general purpose simulator. It can be used as a foundation for simulating more complex or detailed phenomena. Basically, it is aimed at simulating aspects of social complexity. Mason is developed and maintained by George Mason University already. All you have to do is to download and port it to Matlab. You may want to read this tutorial: Bring Java Classes into Matlab Workspace. Your implementation should have the following qualities.

  1. You should develop a graphical user interface in Java that should work from within Matlab. You can use the existing code, but it should run from within Matlab.
  2. Your implementation should also integrate the additional packages that are already used by Mason. To name them here, these are: Jfreechart, iText and Java media framework, among others. These additional packages are available as libraries on the main page of Mason in a zipped archive call
  3. Your implementation should be able to leverage from the parallel computing capabilities of Matlab for the cloud. This means that you should write your software according to the software development guidelines for parallel computing in Matlab.
  4. All the functionality of Mason should be invokable from within Matlab, although it should use the functions implemented in Java.
  5. You should develop proper documentation for the implementation, along with a user’s manual.
  6. You should upload your implementation as open-source software online, at GIT or Sourceforge, or a similar platform.

Photo by craigdietrich

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Mason in Matlab by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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