Several years ago, I was being appraised for my teaching abilities. The head of the appraisal committee asked me as to which pedagogical framework I employed in my teaching. I was taken aback by the question as I was not prepared to be asked about this. It was not even in my remotest imaginations as to what a pedagogical framework was. Anyhow, I replied that I teach my students by asking a series of questions and getting answers from them, in a way that leads to the final message of the lesson. This is something akin to the Socratic method in teaching. But to be honest, I had never heard about the Socratic method by then. I searched a lot on the web to find out content related to pedagogical frameworks. But I failed to find anything meaningful or useful. A few days back I came across a nice resource on the subject matter. And I am only tagging it here for archival.
Pedagogical approaches to teaching in higher education – Caduceus International Publishing
Pedagogy is the method behind the art of teaching. It considers how students learn and uses that knowledge to develop philosophies, approaches, and techniques for the classroom. Not every teacher has a pedagogy. Especially at the college level, many educators don’t receive formal training in how to teach.
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Of Pedagogical Frameworks by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.