I have been obsessed with evolutionary algorithms for quite some time now. This obsession is not without reason, however. Despite their lucidity, evolutionary algorithms can be applied to solve a wide variety of problems. As a matter of fact, they have already been applied to all sorts of problems and they have shown impressive performance. This is no news.
It is also not news that evolutionary algorithms are employed to create art. Several conferences and workshops are help each year with a section or chapter on evolutionary art. Evostar, for instance, hosts EvoMUSART every year. EvoMUSART has now grown into a full-fledged annual conference that is hosted as a part of the annual Evostar event. The conference is quite well respected.
Here is a glimpse of the abstracts of the papers that were nominated for best paper awards by the conference in 2015.
The page contains quite a lot of very nice themes both for music and visual arts. Although the explanations of some of the themes sound arcane, they are nonetheless interesting.
Addressing problems in music and art with the help of evolutionary algorithms and other biologically inspired themes does sound interesting indeed.
I would like to discuss an idea about creating artistic images using artificial intelligence techniques. I read about it quite a few years ago. However, I lost track of the source where I found it from. If I remember it correctly, it was called pixel art. It employs the famous ant colony optimization algorithm to convert a colour image to grey scale in a way that it appears to be sketched with a pencil to the user. So the work was all about doing this transformation. But the transformation did look quite brilliant. And the way the algorithm was applied to achieve the transformation was not short of brilliance in any way. Following is a similar approach.
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation – GECCO 2004
Following citation also looks good.
Animated drawings rendered by genetic programming | Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation
Chakraborty, U. K. and Kang, H. W., Stroke-based rendering by evolutionary algorithm. India Annual Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the IEEE INDICON 2004. First, 2004. ]]Neufeld, C., Ross, B. and Ralph, W., The Evolution of Artistic Filters. The Art of Artificial Evolution, pages 335–356, 2008.
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