30 in 16

I have not posted anything on this blog for almost one week. The reason is that as soon as I signed up on street articles, they gave me a challenge to write 30 articles in 30 days. I had to choose a niche myself. And I had to write one article per day on average to meet my goal. There were other requirements that I had to fulfill as well. For instance, each article had to be composed of four hundred words at least.

So this has kept me quite busy. Of course, I could not do complete justice with the 30 in 30 assignment as well. There were days on which I wrote with vigor and I wrote many articles. On other days I could not write anything. Other diurnal chores came across as distractions. 
Nonetheless, yesterday I decided to finish off the assignment well in advance. This meant that I would have to write 16 articles to complete the remaining task. I had already written 14 articles in previous days. 
The topics I chose to write about were diverse. However, mainly they revolved around the idea of creating a home based business. A great motivation why I chose to write and why I wrote so much was that I wanted to get really hands on with writing. And honestly speaking, the experience of writing was incredible.
As soon as I submitted the last bunch of articles, I opened my e-mail and figured out that today is the 16th day of the challenge. Finishing 30 articles in 16 days, as opposed to the 30 days deadline, obviously gives you an otherworldly feeling. You may want to have a look at one of my articles. Please click here.

DSC00022 by blpgirl, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  blpgirl 

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 30 in 16 by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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