My favorite music has always been Indian film music from the decades of the 70s and the 80s. I think that the reason for this is that these were the times when I grew up with my uncles who used to listen to music of their era. It makes me nostalgic. Incidentally, this is the same time when Kishore Kumar sang most of the songs for movies. He happens to be my favorite singer. I have liked him throughout my life. He was gifted with a magical voice that I have not heard of any singer after him. He was not a maestro. Neither did he have any formal training in classical music. However, he could sing along the spectrum without missing a note that the producer inserted in any delicate composition. He had sung with the most heavy-weight singers of his time, both male and female. But it was his specialty, as also noted by others that his version of the singing always stood out and dominated the auditory scene.
What you will find in this album are the most romantic duets humanity can ever come across. These songs are a class of their own. You will never find a parallel of these elsewhere. And these are timeless songs.

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My Dearest Duets by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.