I have two very important questions, but I would like to go with the preamble first. Given the current political upheaval in Pakistan, the US
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To Expect Effectively
Pakistan does not have a single problem; there are myriad of them, and each of them is gigantic. To name a few, education, medical, poverty,
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AA, Given the ample space available for scribbling articles, under utilization of the blog, plenty of free time and a political upheaval in the country,
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The Pics
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Read moreA scholarly conference is not much better than its program comittee
Some general guidelines for guaging the worth of a conference would be something like: 1) Its relevance i.e. How relevant is it to your research
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A one slide Tutorial!
I had to make a presentation on my work on GP. Just to explain the basic GP, I thought that maybe it’d better to make
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Hi all, it is almost evening here. And it persists like this for a while because the twilight zone is a bit bigger where I
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Hi all, So although the blog has been named psyops. It really hasn’t got to do with psyops. I just didnt have a good idea
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Salam, I have been wondering since a long time now that there should be medium through which I could voice my thoughts to people with
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