UML to Code Generators

A long time ago I came across tools that generate code through UML diagrams. Using such tools, you design the software using a computing tool with drag and drop features. Once you are done with the visual design, you could generate the corresponding code using clicks of a few buttons. I was wondering what is the state of the art right now.

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Manipulating Software Through Design Patterns

Basically, design patterns are templates that you apply to your software during the design time. When you convert your software to code, finally, design patterns convert into patches and wrappers to your software. Normally they hide behind themselves the intricate details of objects they are applied to. As a result, they provide an easy to use interface to the developer. The developer, in turn, can use them to grab the desired objects.

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Illuminance vs Luminance

It is sometimes worthwhile to understand how various metrics related to the measurement of light intensity work. Two of them are illuminance and luminance. They can sound really mundane and fool the subject into believing that both are actually the same thing. However, they are not. As a matter of fact, they are quite different.

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