Solar Simulators

Renewable energy research is quite hot these days. Among the various disciplines lie the olar energy systems. Quite unsurprisingly a lot of research is happening in this field these days around the world. And quite surprisingly, the discipline is observing gigantic strides. A few months a go there was a news article that announced the development of a polymer based solar panel design using genetic algorithms. The panel had remarkable electrical properties which were absent from its predecessor silicon based panels.

In order to develop or discover newer materials for solar systems one has to rely a lot on simulators for solar systems. There are quite a lot of simulators advertised some of which are free and others proprietary. This article lists some of the free solar simulators.

  1. QUCS is cited here.
  2. FLUXiM.
  3. This is a good article that describes the development of such a simulator.
  4. Another nice article.
  5. Silvaco.
  6. This technical report on modeling and simulation of solar energy systems sounds interesting.
  7. Modelling of photo voltaic cells using Matlab.
  8. Modelling of solar panels using matlab and simulink.
  9. Modelling of solar panels using matlab and simulink.
  10. Development of generalized photo voltaic model using Matlab.
  11. A Comprehensive approach to modelling and simulation of photo voltaic cells and arrays.
  12. Quokka in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.

Photo by redplanet89

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