About Psyops

Hi all,
So although the blog has been named psyops. It really hasn’t got to do with psyops. I just didnt have a good idea on as to how should I name my brain child so I named it quite randomly (conditionally still) as psyops.

The same would goes into it; all random stuff. Just like what u r reading now. Though, I might come up with some cool ideas later on during the process of writing.

More often, I would still like to write general things about life such as attitudes, feelings, morality, emotions, emotional intelligence etc etc. as opposed to the more technical (or academic so to say) stuff such as mathematics, statistics, programming, DSP or the likes. And I think I would come up with simple ideas (thoughts). At the same time I must say that it is the simple things of life that are more important (and charming at the same time too (maybe)).

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 About Psyops by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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