Ubqari Magazine

Do Not Forget to Read the Special Edition of January

Those who are engulfed in familial problems should definitely read it.

Reserve your copy today.

Such unanswerable tested easy wazaaif that will be more effective than the atom bomb…. In the price of the magazine, meaning 40 rupees, you can easily buy this special edition.

Only hopeless people who have been dejected from everywhere and are weeping tears of blood should read it. Others should not read it. Blockage of marriage, pursuit of sustenance, unfulfilled wish of traveling abroad, blockage in business, impossible familial puzzles, incurable diseases, families stung with black magic, people defeated with mischiefs of jinns, effects of evil eyes, disobedience of children, mischiefs of jealous enemies, familial misunderstandings, blockages in relationships, blockage in health, doom in business, seekers of wilaayat (friendship with Allah), for all such people wonderful Aulia Karaam (friends of Allah), successful practitioners and simpleminded readers’ simple but effective and tested writings and experiences who consider hiding their wazaaif and experiences a curse for their graves.

Come! keep your notebook ready, find the green marker, because the rising bright sun of January 2013 is bringing such effective writings which will persuade you to react in awe. You will be forced to turn your side as soon as you read it. When will the waiting time end depends upon your desire.

Note: People and families suffering from blockages of any type; magical blockage, blockage pertaining to jinn or blockage due to evil eye, whether it is familial or since ever, please do not loose hope. Do not forget to read these gifts absolutely free!!! 

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