Cyclone is Viral Now

a field with a house and a plane in the sky
Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

Recently I committed and pushed a new version of GELAB to its repository on GitHub. Since GELAB’s version is based on forces of nature, this third version is named Cyclone. It has nice features. The main thing is that it is compatible with Matlab R2023b. The Java code is also compiled with the latest versions of JDK and JVM. Any aspiring student or a practitioner of machine learning will like it. Grammatical evolution has many exciting applications and they are cited very well in existing literature. The added benefit of GELAB is that it is a lot more user-friendly. This owes to Matlab being a high-level scripting language. Implementing code and desirable use cases in Matlab is a breeze. It is already quite popular because of this feature in various engineering disciplines. GELAB can also be used in conjunction with other toolboxes of Matlab. And it also exploits the parallel programming toolbox if a multi-core system is available. Please have fun as you use GELAB. Please let me know if there are any bugs or errors.


GitHub – adilraja/GELAB: GELAB: A Matlab Toolbox for Grammatical Evolution

GELAB: A Matlab Toolbox for Grammatical Evolution. Contribute to adilraja/GELAB development by creating an account on GitHub.


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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Cyclone is Viral Now by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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