Flightgear and Scilab Integrations

Matlab is a great scientific computing tool. It is nonetheless proprietary. It requires a substantial amount of money to buy Matlab. A nice alternative to Matlab is Octave. And there is another competitor, Scilab. Both of them are open source. This means that you can use and modify them for free. This is a big deal indeed.

Scilab also has its interfaces for Flightgear. This means that Flightgear can be invoked from within Scilab. Scilab also has Xcos, a utility similar in functionality to Matlab’s Simulink.

Previously I wrote about developing controllers for UAVs using Matlab. If we cannot, somehow, get Matlab easily, Scilab could be a nice alternative. So the same project could be done using Scilab. Following articles explain how Scilab and Xcos could be integrated with Matlab.

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Photo by MICOLO J Thanx 4 1.8 million views

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CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Flightgear and Scilab Integrations by Psyops Prime is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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