When Hope Can be Wrong

Hope is taught as a great thing. Especially, when you are confronted with adversity, you can expect to receive this advice to be hopeful from every corner. Even your own consciousness can tell you to be hopeful or you will drown completely.

But there are certain scenarios where hope can be really bad. I was reading a comment by a young man on a Facebook group. The gentleman has some handsome amount of money. He wants to go to France with that in pursuit of a job. I wonder if he has found a job already, but in all fairness, it appears that he is on a job hunt. He was asking if the amount of money he has is enough to have him settled over there with a job eventually in hand? I was alarmed at his exaggerated optimism. The truth is that he might not get a job at all and he may end up bankrupt as well.

This reminds me of personal experience. I moved to Denmark in 2011 as a green card holder. I traveled there from France. My hope was that I would get a job there and all will be good afterward. I had been a postdoctoral researcher in France though.

So as I reached Copenhagen, I found myself a nice house and I settled in. Every day I was applying for loads of jobs worldwide. I was hunting for jobs on every social medium. From LinkedIn to Denmark’s local job sites, I explored everything. Even then I could not get a job. So much so that I made up my mind to find a cleaning job temporarily. Even that was not available. I went to Copenhagen’s Kommune for a job. I was told that Denmark is going through the worst recession in the history of Denmark and that they don’t have enough jobs. Menial jobs in Denmark could be quite tough and demanding. I remember I have worked with DHL in late night hours on daily wages and I had to empty a whole container full of goods in a few hours on a conveyor belt. Prolonged work of this type can lead you to serious health issues. I know people have complained about their spine getting injured or hurt because of this. They accepted my CV nonetheless. The staff was nice but seemed helpless. Days converted into weeks and weeks into months. Every day I would wake up to the hope that soon I shall hit a nice job. The job never arrived. Eventually, I had to radically change my strategy and started from scratch in Pakistan. Staying in Denmark like this was a serious blow to my financial assets.

Sometimes you just have to give up on being hopeful and begin to be more practical in life. One of the fundamental problems with hope is that it forces you to fantasize good things that don’t exist. The tragedy of hope is that the fantasies may never ever begin to exist at all.

Photo by V31S70

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