Tales of Love and Peace

doves photoThis is the best of the times. This is the worst of the times. This is the era of belief. This is the era of skepticism. This is the period of tranquility. This is the period of great global turbulence. This is the epoch of peace. This is the epoch of terrorism. We are living in an age of globalization. We are living in an age of alienation. This is a time of great scientific revolutions. In this time we seem to be regressing back to the stone age.

Given the current turbulence that surrounds the whole world, Islam and Tolerance is a gift by Ubqari institute to the whole world. This book is edited with the main purpose to enlighten the human beings about the central teachings of Islam. The book has two parts:

  1. Islam and Tolerance: The Treatment of non-Muslims by the Prophet (PBUH) of Islam.
  2. Worship Places of non-Muslims, Their Rights and Our Duties.

Both parts have stories about how earler Muslims used to compassionately treat non-Muslims. Every human being must read this book irrespective of their faith and religious inclinations and take heed from this.

Photo by LindaH

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